do you think is ok for parent to talk about sex with thier kids?

2006-02-21 4:40 pm

回答 (8)

2006-02-21 4:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not only is it ok, but parents should do so. I have had friends whose parents felt that if they never talked about it, their kids would not do it. Wrong, they were more likely to go out and have sex, because their parents did not explain things to them. These kids were also more likely to be unsafe with it. My mother was always open about it with me, and I have not been promiscuous, but I have also seen my sister have a baby at 16 and knew better then to make that mistake.

Even if a parent just wants to explain how babies are made, and promote abistinance, thats fine, but some sort of sex talk should happen. Also, discuss other types of protection, but if it makes you feel better, discuss the risks associated with each. But some talk needs to happen in my opinion.
2016-09-24 7:16 pm
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2006-02-21 5:12 pm
if parents don't who will? peers, teachers? teachers are okay, but friends will probably give them the wrong ideas; if they understand that you are open and honest with them about tough issues, then you won't have to worry about trust or whether they are being honest with you because they will be.
2006-02-21 4:48 pm
yes because they will know what will happen and that they have to take care of their self. in my school we have a phicology person that teach us about that and is very helpful
2006-02-21 4:46 pm
Yes, of course because kids should know about the right concept of sex.
2006-02-21 4:43 pm
No I dont think so.Kids shouldnt know about these things. If they know about it, you never know they might have it. Its no good!!
2006-02-21 4:42 pm
Depends on the maturity and age of the child. I'd rather talk to my kids about sex than have them learn it somewhere else....or on their own. In fact, I'd consider it a parents responsibility to speak to their child about sex.
2006-02-21 4:41 pm

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