how can one overcome addiction to masturbation?

2006-02-21 3:48 pm

回答 (12)

2006-02-21 4:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I thought that I knew what you were asking because it's so long, but I think I am one letter short.

But just in case I am right, try focusing on something else you really like to do every time the urge comes. For instance, if you like exercising, take a break to do some sit-ups, push-ups, hamstring curls. It's just an example, but I hope you can get some ideas. The substitute activity should be something that you can do easily at a moments notice. Reading is even easier than exercising. Try window shopping, calling friends, going for a drive, etc.

And if you are religious, try thinking about that, too-- Pure, clean, right, holy thoughts. Hope that helps. :D
2006-02-22 12:20 am
if you ever are ready, and admit you are powerless over ****** , it may be time to go to a 12 step program.
******** Anonymous. If you can't find it call AA in your area they may be able to direct you to it.
2006-02-22 12:01 am
2006-02-22 12:00 am
please define your stars
2006-02-22 12:00 am
to overcome addiction to ************, just stop thinking about ************.
2006-02-21 11:56 pm
I once was ******* but ****** and then*** so hang *******
2006-02-21 11:55 pm
Try again. If you use the first and last letter of the thing you mean, and put asterisks in yourself for the right number of other letters, the censor will not change the whole word to asterisks. (Example: The politician spoke little but b******t.) Or use a polite euphamism, if you know one. (Example: The politician spoke little but bullpuckey.)
2006-02-21 11:55 pm
i think it's crack-coke not postive though. no matter what your addicted to you should diffently seek help there people out to to help with all kinds of addic.
2006-02-21 11:54 pm
Stop using drugs
2006-02-21 11:53 pm
Just stay with group of pple and develop hatred towards it.
2006-02-21 11:51 pm
To *******? First we need to know what the hell ******* is.
2006-02-21 11:51 pm
um ****? i dont know what you mean!

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