As KING of Level 3...I wonder...Why are you all so jealous of my power ???

2006-02-21 4:06 am
I have spoken:KING of Level 3

Peaceout to all my people!!!


Whats a married minister with a wife and kids doing on-line in the love and romance catagory ??? God is so happy with you, my friend !!!

回答 (15)

2006-02-21 10:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
tis not jealousy you detect.we are all just so in awe of your wisdom .Still bowing.
2016-03-27 3:14 pm
Dude quit smoking, your on level 4 lol
2006-02-21 2:36 pm
Am at level 3 too.......who cares ??
2006-02-21 6:30 am
you know they have mental hospital for sick ppl like you,wont you go make the world a better place without you around awhile!!!! you might look real nice in straight jacket,sure they have one too fit you,lol
2006-02-21 5:45 am
OMG! I have just recently started to view this sight. And I can honestly say, that you are the most annoying, ignorant, no life having moron on this sight! You rave on and on about how you are the guru of sex. How in the hell would you know? You cant get away from your computer long enough to find out! And let me guess, you are going to leave me a reply like "**** you *****" or "suck my dick". If people were in their right minds, they would see your name come up and ignore it! Do you even have a job?
參考: The Dummies Guide For Getting A Life!
2006-02-21 5:29 am
TRUST ME. IM NOT JEALOUS. I guess being on Level 3 is a BIG DEAL for you . Also thanks for giving me 2pts. SMILES
2006-02-21 4:22 am
2006-02-21 4:20 am
I'm not jealous, honestly.
2006-02-21 4:18 am
Your the one who is jealous,cuz your all alone sitting high on that throne.Your not as high as God Almighty.
2006-02-21 4:15 am
No life, huh? its okay.
2006-02-21 4:14 am
??? i'm only level one still so sad
2006-02-21 4:13 am
May I kiss your ring?
2006-02-21 4:12 am
Your only at level 3. Wow! My bestfriend is at level 6! Eat That!
2006-02-21 4:11 am
Dude. Pathetic. And might I recommend ritalin?
2006-02-21 4:11 am
i'm not jealous

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