True or False? Once a cheater always a cheater?

2006-02-21 4:00 am

回答 (14)

2006-02-21 6:51 am
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I think it's true, but I may forgive the FIRST TIME, then always keep one eye open to see - sometimes people can somehow change themself - BUT of course not everyone can.
2006-02-21 2:20 pm
now girl, you know the answer, always a cheater.
2006-02-21 12:23 pm
2006-02-21 12:18 pm
false for a cheater who has ever cheated and found out the true consequences of breaking someones heart including their own they will change , depending on the person but it can be done so i will say false.. but they have to go through a lot of suffering so they dont neccessarily change over night it is a gradual growth and maturing process..
2006-02-21 12:14 pm
2006-02-21 12:12 pm
absolutely true! never trust a cheater.
2006-02-21 12:10 pm
True .
參考: My mother .
2006-02-21 12:08 pm
very true
2006-02-21 12:02 pm
VERY TRUE!!!!!! A true old saying for years and years: Once a cheater is always a CHEATER!
2006-02-21 12:16 pm
A cheater will always cheat, a lier always lie, a thief will always steal.....
2006-02-22 12:31 am
2006-02-21 10:48 pm
false. they could not cheat always even they hav feelings once they may hav cheated but not evertime. may be the for the time being they hav cheated. everyone in this whole world hav cheated in some or the other way. the ppl who hav said true for this question tell them to ask ther hearts whether they hav cheated or not. if they say no v could know that they hav worng way of thinking.i think the ppl who cheats will realise wht mistake they hav done but v shuld give them a chance.if v keep on calling them u r cheater u r a cheater they would feel i would say cheater is not a cheater always
2006-02-21 12:10 pm
2006-02-21 12:02 pm

I have spoken:KING of Level 3

Peaceout to my people !!!

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