what is the dinfinition of beauty?

2006-02-21 1:29 am
I am doing a project of beauty.
Do you think you are beautiful?
what is the dinfinition of beauty?
Which is more important,beauty or health?

Thank you for your answer!!^3^

回答 (9)

2006-02-21 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality.
One that is beautiful, especially a beautiful woman.
A quality or feature that is most effective, gratifying, or telling: The beauty of the venture is that we stand to lose nothing.
An outstanding or conspicuous example: “Hammett's gun went off. The shot was a beauty, just slightly behind the eyes” (Lillian Hellman)
2006-02-21 9:51 am
Everyone has a different concept of what is beauty and what not.
According to Malba Tahan you can know that a Woman is beauty measuring her face. from the top of her head to the line of eyes (A), and the total lenght of her face (F).
IF A/(F-A) = (F-A)/F you can say she is beauty.
This is funny, isn't it?
參考: The Man who Counted - Malba Tahan.
2006-02-21 9:38 am
I assume you mean definition. Look at Aristotle, Plato etc...
2006-02-21 9:35 am
I have always been told if you look good you feel good. I imagine that it would go for physical health too
2006-02-21 9:35 am
2006-02-21 9:34 am
its however each person sees something. no-one has the same definition
2006-02-21 9:34 am
My definition of beuty: is any quality be it good or bad that gives pleasure to anyone of the senses. Beuty is also just who u are inside either u are or u arn't.
2006-02-21 9:34 am
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
2006-02-21 9:34 am
The defination for beauty is attractable

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