Is love forever?

2006-02-20 2:28 pm
How do I stop loving my ex-girlfriend after 10 lonely years seperated?

回答 (10)

2006-02-20 2:36 pm
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I believe that love is forever in some cases. It all depends on what you have been thur with that person. Now after 10 years of being apart and you still love her. You have to really sit down and think. Have you been with other people after her? If so, did they grab your heart? Are question you should ask yourself.
2006-02-21 1:10 am
10 years is a long time. I suppose there was no closure. Or that you
still had hope for a long time. However, I agree with many points
raised before in comments by others. And you may not only be in love
with the memory, you may as well be in love with a future that could
never have happened. Maybe you even fell in love with the idea of a
lost love, which is the only relationship that suddenly starts to
develops in a realm outside of every-day gray, in the colors of dreams
greater than reality ever paints them.

Is love forever? Yes, everything we do changes us, so we carry our
past into the future -- falling in love changed your life and
determined what you became.
Only, don't just carry the heart as a weight putting you down. Carry
it as a happy tune you whistle from time to time.
Sometimes, the feelings of the heart are replaced by the wisdom of the
head, and instead of burning inside we assembled more wisdom. Maybe
the heart will not burn as bright next time, or maybe, the new-found
wisdom inside your head will make it even sweeter.

Things come and go and we cannot hold on to something, especially not
if we love it, because love shouldn't be possessive. If you truly love
someone else, you must be able to let them go, because their beauty
exists without you, but still within our world. Don't feel like
because you don't see something live, it dies. Be happy for someone

In short; I don't believe somebody else but you can help you. All we
can do here is to point you in the right direction, make you trust
what you want to believe: you post here so I can see you already
realize a need for change.
Think about it -- you can't change your past; you can't get everything
in life you desire; but you can change yourself. You need to
understand how much energy you waste by trying to change fate, other
people, and all of your surrounding; you might as well start cursing
the rain drops that fall on your head when you want sunshine.

Get on with life. Accept what happened. If you feel it's the worst
that could have happened to you, accept that. Easier said than done,
but crucial. Accept it, and ask yourself: ""What now?""
Do you want to wait another 10 years, and look back on life, and think
you failed? What if too late you realize there's many other women who
were around you, or who could have been closer, that you discarded…
hunting a shadow?

So for your own good, don't forget the past, but live with it, and
focus on the future.
Sometimes, a change in environment helps. A change of friends if all
you get is pity and understanding, giving you too much false comfort.
A change of job if it the current one doesn't test your limits, giving
you too much time to think about the past. See things so different and
people so different you wonder how much life had to give to you, and
get excited to see and experience a new you: the change from within,
which is also a self-fulfilling prophecy; if you believe you can get
on with life and find new inspiration, motivation, energy, and love,
you will achieve all that and more -- maybe things will be even better
than you would have dared to dream, which will be the point when you
will say to yourself: ""I'm happy for how everything happened in my
past, because else, I wouldn't be the man I am now.""

Good luck with that!
2006-02-20 2:45 pm
it can be. it ussualt isn't but it can be!
2006-02-20 2:43 pm
that is sad to me yes unfortunately you do love them forever because love never goes away ecspecially the in your heart and cant sleep at night and think of them everyday near or far it will make you crazy if you let it get a hold of her she could feel the same way it is never to late it is better to be loved and love than never love at all good luck
參考: myself and i heard that saying before just dont know where
2006-02-20 2:41 pm
2006-02-20 2:38 pm
yes love is forever, but its not always as strong as the original. it will always be there, waiting to grow strong again by loving another. just be patient and you will see that the love you carry for an ex will slowly grow into a love for someone else. if you still have some feelings for your ex later down the road, then that means it was a true and special love. and it will never completely dissappear.
2006-02-20 2:35 pm
love isn't forever. I mean you might love a person now but he or she might change after a while and your love will diminish and dissappear. If you still feel like you love the person. Try to think of the reason why. Maybe it's something he did or other. there are other guys who probably have the traits that you like. Just find them.
2006-02-20 2:35 pm
ya love is foreever,,, even when away,near,far, alive, dead..
any age,,even a child or a aged one....

love is a feeling.. no more than one what we can express or said in words.......

but love can be said expressed or can do anything but what will do after death...
an experienced one
2006-02-20 2:32 pm
Just try to love another one.
2006-02-20 2:31 pm
yes. a real and sincere one will continue till the last breath.

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