Am I in love ?

2006-02-20 2:02 pm
How to check that I am madly in love with her ...?

回答 (7)

2006-02-20 2:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Is she the first thing you think of when you wake up? Is she the last thing you think of when you go to sleep? Do you dream about her at night? Do you think of her all day long? And does the thought of her make you smile? Do minutes seem like hours when you're apart? When you're together again, is she the only person who exists for you?

Could very well be love!
參考: my sweetie (who makes me feel all this and more!)
2006-02-22 11:35 am
i dont know... are you in love?
參考: how am i supposed to know?? lol
2006-02-20 10:32 pm
love is a sweet pain.... one who doesn't gets it, he cries for it & when one gets it , he still cries with the sweet pain... so to know wheather you have fallen in love... just close your eyes & think of your dream girl, & ask your self if you love her??? can you give her the care & security in life & will she love you the same in both happiness & hardship, will you & she can live together till your last breath.....
2006-02-20 10:14 pm
If your heart beats fast when you see her, it means you fall in love with her.
2006-02-20 10:13 pm
if u always think abt her day and night and u want good things to be happened to her ur in love
2006-02-20 10:11 pm
well you know your in love when this person is the only one you think of day and night it is a feeling in your heart and stays with you all the time and never goes away to me it is like an obsession and it really sucks too ecspecially when you arent with that person and your a thousand miles away i thought being in love felt good but it just makes you crazy and yes you probably are since you ask that question
參考: no just me
2006-02-20 10:10 pm
I am. Hope you are too. It's the best feeling in the world.
參考: My wonderful, spectacular, delicious girlfriend

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