im a male and 16. im a virgin. is it wrong to maturbate?

2006-02-20 7:14 am

回答 (14)

2006-02-20 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Masterbating will keep you out of a LOT of trouble. For one, you won't have to put up with any crap from girls you don't like just have sex, for two you won't get some one pregnant because you were in a rush to have sex just to get rid of a *****. Keep it in your pants as long as you can, until you are older, and meet a decent girl you care about.
2006-02-20 3:49 pm
not at all! it is natural to do so because u r just relieving some stress
2006-02-20 3:30 pm
Who cares if it is in your own house and nobody is watching. Then choke away.
2006-02-20 3:27 pm
Well i read just the other day that a male needs to ejaculate occasionally otherwise they can end up with infections in their testicles or something along those i guess it's something that you need to do and plus i think theres absolutely nothing wrong with it, i think a lot of people do it anyways!!
2006-02-20 3:20 pm
it is not wrong to masturbate.i dont care what people tell you it is not a bad thing.alot of women i know love to watch a man masturbate.dont get could cause people are asshole and will make you feel like ****
2006-02-20 3:19 pm
It's normal. Just do it once or twice a day.
2006-02-20 3:19 pm
Only if your catholic
2006-02-20 3:18 pm is normal. but just not too much your could get repetitive motion
2006-02-20 3:17 pm
you will go blind
2006-02-20 3:17 pm
nope. have as much fun as you want!
2006-02-20 3:17 pm
not necessarily, that all depends on what you think. i am male 14, i am a virgin, i don't masturbate. i see no need. but whatever floats ur boat. it all has to do with urges related to puberty. its perfectly NORMAL to feel a desire to masturbate
2006-02-20 3:17 pm
of course not
masturbating is a natural thing
even ppl who r not virgins masturbate
2006-02-20 3:16 pm
Nope, completely normal in adolescent developement.
2006-02-20 3:16 pm
if you are pious it is if you aren't well go right ahead.

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