does everyone hate muslims? does everyone think our relegion is false? why?

2006-02-09 7:49 am
i want to know why ppl hate all muslims so much, when some are quite nice and actually fun to get to know. after 9/11 i have been scaird to express what my religion is because of such disgust americans show toward the whole population of muslims.

回答 (19)

2006-02-09 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
The government and the media have presented a very poor image of the Muslim community. I did a cultural study through OSU and visited parts of Michigan where there exists the largest Muslim population outside the Middle East, and I was amazed at how friendly and welcoming the people I met were. The Muslim community has become the scapegoat for the abhorrent actions of a select few, but if more people were willing to let go of their hatred and extend the hand of friendship rather than the AK47, I believe that everyone involved would be much better off. Christians, I suggest you take out your Bible and read Genesis 16 verses 1-16. Ishmael is the forefather of the Muslim nation. It is even prophesied in the Bible and I quote: "Behold, you are with child, and you will bear a son, and you shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has given heed to your affliction. He will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand will be against him, and he will live to the east of all his brothers." This passage is referring to the Muslims, and you can see it is evident that it still holds true today.
2006-02-09 3:55 pm
2006-02-11 10:49 am
**Long answer, but I encourage you to read this, Ameera!**

I do not hate Muslims or Islam. I embraced Islam since the day that I was born. Ameera,

Do not be afraid of expressing who you are. Be proud of your religion. Many people who may have not even heard of Islam before are now turning against this peaceful religion. Do not be afraid. These people do not know the truth; they only know the lies that have been imposed by terrorists. They read the text of the Holy Qur'an and they misinterpret its teachings. I've seen thousands of people who have, since 9/11, have not seen Islam in the way that it should be seen.

What you should do is to not stand aside and let such injustice be done. Tell the world what your religion means, speak up against this injustice, and tell everyone that you are not a terrorist. Tell the world the true meaning of Islam, and the ones who are open-minded will listen. The ones who truly care will hear you out. The rest of them may never listen for one reason or another, and that's okay. Not everyone is willing to accept the fact or realizes that Islam's name has been wrongfully distorted.

I go about life every day seeing such references to the twisted face of Islam, the side that has only been revealed after a sacreligious attack that was 9/11, a lie that contradicts the teachings of Islam to a major fault. Jihad is not suicide bombers, or people armed with military-issued weapons. Jihad is to strive for the cause of Allah, to strive for the greater good, most often in a non-violent manner. Muslim is not synonymous to terrorist, or violent zealot, Muslim is the embodiment of someone who has embraced the peaceful religion of Islam.

You must show the world that these terrorists are liars. Express the true face of Islam. If nothing else, you will catch everyone's attention. They will think, "This person is not afraid to represent herself, even though she is a Muslim." People deserve to know the truth, and I make no secret of who I am, and what I believe in, because I believe that if there is something that is worth believing in, then I will stand by it 100%. Nothing that the world can ever say will ever change what I believe in. And you should stand up for it, too. Don't believe that you are a terrorist, don't believe that you are insignificant; each person deserves to have a position in this world, and you must hold on to yours.
2006-02-09 3:55 pm
I think that the (people) of the west don't know the real reason of violence in the middle east.
+ they don't understand what does Mohammed means 4 muslims (4 example)
2006-02-09 8:30 pm
One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a saintly life. He must not be given to lust, he must not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a war criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin. One who claims to be a messenger of God must have a superior character. He must stand above the vices of the people of his time. Yet Muhammad’s life is that of a gangster godfather. He raided merchant caravans, looted innocent people, massacred entire male populations and enslaved the women and children. He raped the women captured in war after killing their husbands and told his followers that it is okay to have sex with their captives and their “right hand possessions” (Quran 33:50) He assassinated those who criticized him and executed them when he came to power and became de facto despot of Arabia. Muhammad was bereft of human compassion. He was an obsessed man with his dreams of grandiosity and could not forgive those who stood in his way. Muhammad was a narcissist like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin. He was astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional intelligence was less evolved than that of a 6-year-old child. He simply could not feel the pain of others. He brutally massacred thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth. His ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is entitled to do as he pleased and commit all sorts of crimes and his evil deeds are justified.
2006-02-09 3:56 pm
I dont hate you. I am trying to understand your faith in better understanding muslims as a whole. its just hard to trust muslims. (just being honest not trying to be mean). All I know is what i see and what i see isnt a good thing. i am trying to keep an open mind and learn. if you can show me a link where thi s might help id be greatful. I already bought this book to understand what it means to be a muslim and it seems to be a very pretty religion.
2006-02-09 3:52 pm
I have no problem with Muslims at all, I think it's not right to hate someone because of their religion.
2006-02-09 3:53 pm
we donta all hate You we just hate your religion...sorry but its pretty fcuked up.
i just dont agree with the way your treated.
2006-02-09 3:51 pm
As humans I think that we fear things we don't understand. Imagine what the early people (if you're a darwinist) thought when they first encountered fire.
2006-02-09 5:46 pm
No, everyone does not hate Muslims. Many find truth in the religion.

Some people do not like the religion however, and here is why I think that is the case:
There is a long history of violence in Islam, seemingly beginning with the Prophet Muhammad himself. He led raids on caravans, and slaughtered some tribes. He conquered lands. And after him, the Empire spread, as they colonized/occupied or what have you a huge mass of land. They were supposedly tolerant for the time, but they treated Muslims and non-Muslims unequally, and in some cases they even treated Arab Muslims and other Muslims unequally.
There are some statements in the Qur'an and Hadith which sound highly unethical to Western ears, such as certain statements about Jews, Christians, Pagans, Women, and even dogs! Perhaps we do not have a full understanding of the Qur'an, but when we read it, it seems to us like it is advocating violence. It says to kill pagans where you find them. It says not to make friends with Jews and Christians. It describes hell for non-Muslims, and to top it off, the Qur'an acts like Allah just doesn't care about people going to hell. It says, "Little cares my Lord....." So it's like Allah does not care that people obey him. That is not the vision of God to most westerners. To most westerners, God loves all people and yearns for ALL of them to come to him, for their own fulfillment and good. God in the Qur'an just does not seem very loving. It SAYS he's merciful, but it shows little mercy.

Here's my personal opinion: The Bible also contains some horrific passages, but for the most part, believers in the Bible do not take these passages literally, or as viable laws for today (such as the killing of men, women, and children to take over their land or the laws permitting slavery and beating a slave). So, even though those things are in the Bible, you do not find those to be common beliefs among believers in the Bible.
But with the Qur'an, you DO find Muslims who agree with these teachings of the Qur'an. Many of them want to take over the world until "religion is for Allah" and all are subdued. Many see nothing wrong with killing to achieve that goal.

So, most Muslims are not bad people I think. But there ARE Muslims who are bad, and they are bad precisely because they follow the Qur'an literally. So the religion gets blamed for the bad Muslims.

I know I have probably offended you. And I am sorry if that is the case. But I wanted to give you as honest an answer as I possibly could. Let me say that I think the Islamic religion has potential to be one of the most beautiful religions. I just can't support literal readings of the Qur'an because that seems to me to be the crux of the problem.
2006-02-09 5:32 pm
I am a Muslim too and I was very troubled before because I thought practically everyone hated the Muslims. I am very thankful for the response that ameera got. It actually shows that Muslims are not entirely alone. That they even have friends in the non-muslim community. This is just my way of showing gradutitude to u alll. Thank u ever so much. May the Almighty bless us all and teach us to love each other. Ameen. N all those who think that Muslims have done the 9/11 n other things, they r wrong. They are not Muslims. They have created a new releigion n named it Islam just so that our reputation goes bad.
2006-02-09 3:59 pm
Some dear friends of mine are very devout Muslims one is even in the Nation of Islam which is a more radical form of Islam. As an atheists I know what it feels like to be heckled all the times about your beliefs and that is why I try to stick up for Muslims. I have been eating dinner before and had people interrupt me to try and convert me to Christianity in the school cafeteria. Some people just have no tact whatsoever. My friends who are Muslims are very nice to be around because they are not pushy with their religion.I hope that isn't out of fear sadly it may be.
2006-02-09 3:52 pm
no ameera, not everyone hates muslim... Those who hate it are the ones who have been misunderstood about how islam is... may God guide them...
2006-02-09 5:18 pm
I do not hate muslims, I do not hate anyone. I believe that everyone has their own faith or beliefs and I think we should all believe what we believe and there should not be a problem. I certainly don't have a problem with you or anyone else. I love all people
參考: That's just me
2006-02-09 4:11 pm
1st of all, i don't think ALL americans hate muslims. there are many americans (& others) who are level headed.
2ndly, not ALL people (outside your religion) thinks that your religion are false.
the misconceptions arise because of the potrayal of violence, affirmed by many instances. the muslims who try to voice their displeasure may have gone overboard.
i know how upsetting it is when other people misinterprete your relgion. what most people sees in your religion is through media, and worst, the bad sides of it.
your faith in islam shouldn't be faltered because most people don't understand your religion.
actions speak louder than words. you are a living example of your faith. if you want to change how others think about your religion, its through your friends, aquaintences & strangers :) don't be afraid to speak your faith, through kind & loving actions, through peaceful but affirmative rsolutions. don't islam specificly discourages violence and promotes tolerance?
have a good day!
2006-02-09 3:59 pm
because they keeps the thinking like u. my mean is they think that they are gonna b hate and that makes them cruel. A person cannt b insulted by any one till then he/she doest not allow it. SO FORGET NOBODY HATES ANBODY'S RELEGION. WHO HAVE THE TIME FOR IT.
2006-02-09 4:02 pm
I don’t know why some people hate the muslims. Muslims some like for all religions in the world. Late say if a some people do the trouble the people doing not the religions.
參考: i dont think so..
2006-02-09 3:52 pm
That's like saying, why do ALL Muslims hate Americans? We know it's not true. Well the non-ignorant know it's not true, some people are just too close minded to underdtand.
2006-02-09 4:01 pm
I don't hte the people that are Muslim. I don't agree with their religion cause I believe in God. I don't think it's right for anyone to hte Muslims. (and obviously not everyone believes religion is false!) You know I can't answer for other people, I just want to tell you that I don't hte them or you and I respect your belief in what you believe.

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