If you could ask God one question, and He would answer it, what would it be?

2006-02-09 7:18 am
If you could ask God one question, and He would answer it, what would it be?

回答 (19)

2006-02-09 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Who shot John F. Kennedy?


I would ask about life on other planets, and what did it mean in Genesis "The Sons of God" saw the daughters of men.

Well maybe I'd ask HIm about the DaVinci Code.

or..I kinda want to know how all those animals fit on that boat.

Will American Idol ever go off the air?

Why is Osama Bin Laden taking credit for 911?

What is the human appendix for any way?

What happened to the dinosaurs?

Will you reveal how to build a time machine, and explain the dynamics of the impact of changing the past?

Why did it take Gilligan so long to get off that island?

Is Teflon really safe?

So what was the deal with the two trees in the garden of Eden? If Adam and Eve weren't suppose to eat the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, who was going to eat it?

Crop Circles Lord. What's that about?

What happened to the fairies, gnomes, and other little people?

So many questions...but if I had to choose just one I would ask

Lord when are you returning back for us?
2006-02-09 3:24 pm
Why is world peace so un-attainable?
2006-02-09 3:19 pm
I would ask HER why so many people think god is male.
2006-02-10 9:44 am
How much longer must we wait, before You send Your Son to get us?
2006-02-10 3:40 am
i'd ask him to give me the whole scoop on the bermuda triangle!
2006-02-09 9:18 pm
I would ask, why the hell did you create the world and screw your creatures just for your entertainment.You would have created a giant video-game expanding across galaxies , for you to entertain JUST YOURSELF?
參考: If you look at the world, you'll that the GOD started creating it it with lot of enthusiasm , but it seems somewehere he lost interest and left it imperfect!!
2006-02-09 8:22 pm
How has "he" endured watching all the terrible things that have happened down through the centuries?
2006-02-09 7:40 pm
Why have people bastardized religion, and turned it into a tool for subjugation? Case in point, the followers of Jesus. I mean, what the hell happened there? I mean look at these fawning, grovelling, absolutist people!
2006-02-09 6:37 pm
Hi. It's me again. With all due respect, where are you LOOKING sometimes? Oh, dear God, where are You looking??

Not my will, but Thine be done.
2006-02-09 5:33 pm
God. (cheating) This explanation is what everyone eventually resorts to when the other answers fail. Now, before I go any further, I should make clear that I'm not talking about any of the gods defined in various religions. Throughout all of human history, we've been trying to explain existence. But nobody has ever succeeded. And it's likely that nobody ever will. So we create the concept of God, whose only necessary property is being "that which explains existence."

This doesn't tell us much about god, though. It doesn't mean that any particular religion is correct. It merely defines god as something which answers The Question, because we have not been able to.
2006-02-09 3:55 pm
Are you the real GOD?
2006-02-09 3:45 pm
No question ; because i wouldn't understand . And god knows that !
2006-02-09 3:36 pm
"Can I see and talk to one of your good angels delightfully (no pun intended)?"
參考: i wish
2006-02-09 3:29 pm
why and if my son is there.
2006-02-09 3:24 pm
I always ask God what is my purpose in life and how can I serve Him in a way that reflects His love. I do believe He will answer you and your prayers, but you have to be open to receiving His answer and you have to be paying attention.
2006-02-09 3:21 pm
What is truth?
2006-02-09 3:20 pm
So hard!!! Have so many questions! But I'm thinking, Lord, what would you have me to do to serve you in this world. But isn't it going to be so cool when we're in heaven and we can ask all the questions we want? I can't wait!
2006-02-09 3:19 pm
Why didn't you just write a "Bible" that everyone could understand and we could peacefully work on other things together.

I love Lakats answer. But want to point out my answer didn't have a gender.
2006-02-09 3:19 pm
If he answered it wouldn't matter what he said. To put it another way the answer answers the question.

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