Do you think we can exist for long?

2006-02-08 11:19 am
i, a married woman messing with a married man. His wife state in canada and he HK. He sad he loves his wife and he love me too. actually we don't want to change our status, i don't want to leave my husband too. he will go to Canada when he retired we both are 40 something and we begin this relation one year ago,do you think we can go on. he sad he will state in HK for ten years more. we had tried to terminated this relation. we felt quilty to our another half. but we just can't stop. do we love each other ? do we love our husband & wife? i am confuse.

回答 (5)

2006-02-08 11:29 am
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I think somewhere in ur heart u know the right thing to do. It isnt right to cheat on ur husband. How will u feel if u found out he was cheating on u?

If a married man can cheat on his wife to be with u and still claims he loves u, believe me sis he can do the same to u.

I think u should just clean the mess and stop seeing him

You cant always eat ur cake and have it.
2006-02-08 7:55 pm
This relarionship is going to leave you all alone and hurt if you continue.

First you need to come clean and talk to your husband. you made a promise on the day you married and now your going behind his back.

Your first step might be to attend marrital counciling by your self and get the help of a neutral party. They can help you end the affair, and bring your "needs" into the open and help your husband learn how to meet those "NEEDS"

Your husband probably thinks your deleriously happy with the way he is treating you, and the things he is doing. but in fact your happy because you have another man meeting those "NEEDS" On top of that if your unhappy chances are he is also unhappy and if he has remained faithful but unhappy that means his "LOVE BANK" will be nearing empty soon. once that happens your chances of saving the marriage will be very slim even if you found professional help.

You can try to hide the secret. but the fact is your living a lie. and eventually the lie will get exposed. what will you do when your husband confronts you out of the blue with the truth?
Chances are your husband might suspect, if your husband finds out you have been cheating from someone other then you. your marriage will be over. Men tend to be less forgiving then wives when it comes to marrital relationships. probably because women have such a low opinion of men in general I guess.

If you choose counciling you can also read the following books:
The 5 love languages.
Do you know you and your husbands "Love Language"
His Needs, Her Needs
Do you know the 5 basic "NEEDS" a man and woman have in marriage?
if your having an affair the answer is diffinately (NOPE)
because one of a womans "basic 5 is trust and openness"
and by your own actions your destroying a cornerstone of marriage.

I'm not sure how much success you will have if you persue the course of saving your marriage, but if you manage to save your marriage I suspect your going to be one very satisfied woman. not only would it have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that your husband loves you, but once you get past the short term (REAL PAIN) that both of you will experience I think you will find a very productive way to effectively communicate with your partner.

I pray for you that God in his Infinate wisdom grants you the courage to do the right thing. I pray he helps you face your fears, and confront the mistakes you have made. and I pray he helps you save your marriage if that is your choice.
參考: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. By Covey His Needs, Her Needs, by Willard Harley Jr. The 5 Love Languages, By Chapman Who Moved my Cheese. Smart Love, Phil McGraw
2006-02-08 7:29 pm
This requires as much thought by me as youre giving it and im not even in the relationship. My answer is it is possible to love two people but that dont make it right. Good luck. Yes its possible to exist in the relationship for quite a while because there are different places involved.
2006-02-08 7:27 pm
he is using you as wife #2 whenever he is in your state. it will exist as far as he has business to do in your state.

Confess to your husband, and forget this cheap bstrd who cant afford pros.
2006-02-08 7:26 pm
it will never work.. and eventually could cause the breakup of yours or his marriage. end it now on good terms, and move on with your life and family.

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