When my dog do bad things, i discipline him. but after that he revenge by shitting in bedrooms. what can i do?

2006-02-08 9:05 am

回答 (10)

2006-02-08 3:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, the pooping-in-the-bedroom behavior is not revenge. Dogs simply do not have the planning ability for revenge. It is probably due to the dog being nervous after the scary dicipline and needs to eliminate. It runs away to a quiet place where you are not present and relieves itself.

Let's say the dog jumps onto the counter for food. Dog thinks this is great, but us humans think this is bad behavior.

You could be positive and just say "No" and remove the dog. Dog does it again, you remove him again. Each time give the dog a small food treat on the floor. The dog will learn there is no percentage in jumping onto the counter, and it will stop eventually. It will learn that food treat happen when it is on the floor. Yay! It may take a week of repetitions. However, the dog does not get nervous and look to run somewhere and eliminate.

You could be negative and be yelling "Off! OFF! OFF! Get off there, you foul Minion of Hades!" followed by hitting the dog. Dog gets very upset and wants to run away and hide and empty its nervous bowels. When the dog is hiding it is no longer in your control. Uh oh. Now you have a dog that absolutely needs to poop, and is hiding from you. You set up the perfect conditions for the dog to make the second mistake. And you have to clean up afterwards.

Only when us owners change our behaviors will the dog change it's behaviors. This was a very, very difficult thing for me to learn as an owner.
參考: read "The Culture Clash" by Jean Donaldson
2006-02-09 2:57 am
Thanks Dogger for mentioning that dogs do not act out of spite. I’m so tired of people writing that.
2006-02-09 1:57 am
I am very curious as to what you consider "discipline". The type of "discpline" you impose may be your answer. Dogs do not remember what they did wrong past a few minutes. You must catch them in the act, tell them "No" in a firm voice, and, what always works for me, completely ignore the dog while talking to yourself and without looking at the dog. This has the best results in a room with only you and your dog, no distractions for your dog, and while you go about your normal business. i.e. "You know that you shouldn't be doing that, etc". No, the dog has no idea what you are saying but, 1. it doesn't like to be ignored, and 2. you are not including him by talking to yourself. JUST DO THIS FOR A FEW MINUTES! You dog will not remember what he has done past that time. TRY IT AND LET ME KNOW HOW IT WORKS FOR YOU.
2006-02-08 11:44 pm
keep a good eye on your dog - disciplining after the fact is too late. You must catch him in the act and get him to focus on other things...
Take him to obedience lessosn - most dogs do "bad things" because they are bored - give their minds something to do.
2006-02-08 9:39 pm
Close the bedroom doors.
2006-02-08 7:59 pm
I feel that dog gets scared when you discipline - Stop doing that and instead take him out for walks 4 times a days if possible - And remember dogs are like kids. They need to poo and piss the same way you do. So be considerate - If not possible - Find him a good home.
2006-02-08 6:58 pm
You don't sound like you should own an dog in the first place. Why not try to find him a good home.
2006-02-08 5:18 pm
clever dog. try keeping your room closed after you've had to be firm. Yet I am hoping that you only gesture a firm no.
2006-02-08 5:13 pm
what i feel is that your dog does not take revenge by shitting in bedrooms, I bet u grew the dog making him stay, sleep and eat in ur bedroom and he developed the fact that ur bedroom was his world so he started to **** in your bedrooms at younger age and you never cared for that or You wouldnt have took your dog for walks, if u had done that he would known eventually that bedrooms are not shitting place. But its never late....start the habit soon.
2006-02-08 5:08 pm
Don't discipline him and when he does that put his food where he ****, that will stop him doing that...

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