Who is "Lyle Hershberg"??

2006-01-24 3:57 pm
I have read a novel called "How i live now" and there is "Lyle Hershberg" in the story. who's this person? The original text is as follows:

"we went to our twin beds under pictures of racing cars and about twenty half-naked posters of some teenybop star with cellulite and I thought this room's seen a fair amount of action a la Lyle Hershberg and his pet Smurf."

Does the name carry any special meanings?

回答 (4)

2006-03-25 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
lyle hershey was an actor that appeared on will and grace

Karen's husband, Stan Walker, has remained an unseen character over the course of the show. He is described as an extremely overweight man with some unusual sexual tastes, who gives a lot of business to Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Jailed during season four for tax fraud, Stan was released in season five, but Karen soon caught him sleeping with his British mistress Lorraine Finster (played by Minnie Driver), whom he met when she worked in the prison cafeteria. During Stan and Karen's divorce proceedings at the end of season five, Stan dropped dead, and season six saw Karen explore other avenues of dating, culminating in her 20-minute-long marriage to Lorraine's father, Lyle (played by John Cleese). At the end of the seventh season, it was revealed that Stan faked his death and, in season eight, he and Karen reconciled after she had a brief affair with a government agent (played by Alec Baldwin).

this was found :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_&_Grace
2017-02-20 5:09 pm
參考: Naturally Reduce Cellulite http://renditl.info/CelluliteGoAway/?XeeC
2016-10-15 12:54 am
Lorraine Finster
2006-01-24 5:03 pm
Shes from Will & Grace, Thats all i know!
參考: Search it!

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