Does zero mean nothing?

2006-01-15 2:52 am

回答 (11)

2006-01-15 2:58 am
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In binary zero means off
2016-03-13 1:47 pm
zero means nothing, but it shows that there is nothing if you left the answer blank, it doesn't show that you know that 0+0= zero. It shows that you didn't know that. if your teacher asked you to answer the question face to face would you just stand there and look at her(this would show that the answer is 0, right) or would you tell her zero. I've found that the best way to answer questions on a test are to assume that the person grading has no idea of what they're looking at and can't assume that you know what you're doing. Be thorough and leave no room for doubt.
2006-01-15 5:22 am
Well alone yes. But behind a number no.
2006-01-15 5:19 am
Yes zero has meaning. Every time we cite a number, talk about the distance a running back covered on the football field, talk about a raise we got at work, how far up a tree we climbed, the strength of an electric field, or sweat it out at the blackboard, in math class trying to figure out where 3+(-4)-7 is on the number line.....we are referring to the ultimate!

Without it our almost every assumed, unspoken starting point would either be meaningless or very complicated.

Imagine telling someone about your track meet and telling them that you ran the 'from the ticket stand, around the track past the far side bleachers and then to the home team goal post for field hockey in 11 seconds'. What if the person you are telling that to has never been to your track field?

That as opposed to just saying I did the 100 yard dash in 11 seconds. That is....100 yards from zero yards, the starting point. You can't get to 100 without starting from zero. You can't start at 50 yards now can you? lol

Zero gives everyone a starting point...a reference against which to measure other numbers.

Tire pressure.....35 PSI.....35 PSI relative to zero PSI.

I benched 230 Lbs....230 Lbs relative to zero lbs.

She's 5'5" and curvy! lol......5'5" relative to 5 feet and zero inches, or zero feet and zero inches.

Zero means a lot.

We just take it for granted, and do so naturally without thinking about it. We are conditioned to think of zero as having no value, but without would you describe to someone how fast you can throw a fast ball?

2006-01-15 4:25 am
0 represents the consept of nothing/absence of everything.
2006-01-15 3:56 am
It means nothing, in binary it means off and in positioning it means the origin. But basically it is a relative term. for example zero degrees cel.
2006-01-15 3:36 am
ultimately it depends on what its in refrence to, if its in teh quantity of something, then yes, zero means nothing, if it is a quantifing measure, then not necessairily, 0 gravity, or 0 degress celcius are valid measures and do not mean nothing, if there were no heat (in the case of temperature) we would reach absolute zero, or zero on the Kelvin scale of temperature. In an absolute sense zero does mean the absence of whatever you are attempting to quantify, however there is some issue in things such as temperature where 0 degrees celsius doesnt necessairily mean no heat whatsoever
2006-01-15 3:05 am
Zero can mean nothing (no thing) but zero degrees F or C is relative and are both far from "no temperature" which occurs at absolute zero.
2006-01-15 3:03 am
well what I know is O over 0 is undefined... hmm sort of odd right.
2006-01-15 3:00 am
well when it comes to money no, but zero is like the point of orgin for the world and math
2006-01-15 2:53 am
Put it this way $0 or $1,000,000
What do you think?

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