What happened to marriage?

2005-12-09 6:13 pm
I truly loved my wife. However, when things started to skid in our new marriage after a couple of years...she decided to throw it away and divorce me. What happened to marriage? Why don't people work through their issues together anymore?

回答 (6)

2005-12-21 12:53 pm
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Sometimes people are not equipped to work on those issues. Divorce is easy to obtain in the US. Approximately 3/4's of all divorces are obtained by women, yet the rate of male infidelity is about 60%. (Ladies, you are unfaithful in about 40% of marriages so you as a gender are not paragons of virtue either)

So there is a significant number of women who are seeking divorce for their own selfish reasons even if every betrayed wife sought a divorce.

The reasons are numerous, sometimes she's selfish, sometimes there is poor communication such as she will not respectfully commuinicate needs, he is a poor listener, he invalidates her and she clams up, she invalidates him so he refuses to listen. Of course there is infidelity on both sides of the bed.

But it ultimately comes down to not taking your vows seriously. If one chooses to cheat, abuse or just end a marriage because he or she is not happy, then they have betrayed their vows. They put their own personal (usually short term) happiness ahead of keeping their word and doing the work of building an exciting fun marriage.

Someone else said divorce was easier in solving problems. Well, if there are children involved, divorce solves few if any problems and creates a whole host of new ones.

I personally believe that folks who work through the problems become better people themselves and have better marriages on the other side of the problem. Those who bail out with a quick divorce without seeking any real help in solving their issues, just repeat the same mistakes in their next relationships.
2005-12-10 2:21 am
Our Marriage Law's need revision, especially when children are involved.
2005-12-10 3:14 am
I think the reason the people do not work through their issues anymore is due to the amount of options people have today.

Today it is easier then ever to move and restart your life. This lowers the barriers to divorce and makes it a more viable option, especially for women. 50 years ago this would have been unthinkable, and even 20 years ago a women would have a very difficult time maintaining her quality of life after divorcing her husband.

The way to help prevent this is through working on you relationship at the very early stages to help ensure that little issues do not grow into big issues in the future.
2005-12-10 2:17 am
Unfortunately, we live in a society that is self-centered and looks for the easy way out.
2005-12-10 2:58 am
Why not throw it away, unless of course you beleive that the Bible is the sacred word of God and that he created the institution of marriage.

If you are a Christian and you follow the Bible, then there would be a lot less divorce. People think that marriage will be easy, but it is a lot of hard work to work out your differences and

God does allow for divorce, but only in specific instances like cheating on one another.
2005-12-10 2:18 am
Sometimes divorce is easier than solving it.

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